The event Workshop on IoT Technologies for Agriculture Market will take place June 29-30, 2023, in the framework of the capacity building project NEON – Network of Competence on IoT. The event venue is Campus UdelaR (Universidad de la República, Facultad de Ingeniería), room 703, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Participation at the event is free of charge. Please register for participation here. Online participation in Workshop is possible.
Workshop Program:
All times below are in the UTC-3.
Thursday, June 29, [Montevideo, UdelaR Campus, room 703]
13:30-14:00: Gathering together
14:00-14:30: Welcome message and Introduction to the NEON Project
14:30-15:30: Invited Talk by Keynote Speaker. Prof. Janise McNair with “IoT in Agriculture: Creating Access and Opportunity“
15:30-16:30: Technical Talks (Session 1)
16:30-17:00: Coffee break
17:00-18:00: Invited Talk by Keynote Speaker. Prof. Mark Trotter with “Why IoT is set to revolutionize the livestock grazing industries!“
20:00-22:00: Social Dinner (exclusively for NEON partners)
Friday, June 30 [Montevideo, UdelaR Campus, room 703]
08:00-08:30: Gathering together
08:30-10:00: Discussion panel: the demand perspective.
Panelists: Guadalupe Tiscornia (INIA), Santiago Ferrando, Ana Meikle (Facultad de Veterinaria), Alvaro Otero (INIA)
Chair: Federico Lecumberry (Fing, Udelar)
10:00-10:30: Coffee break
10:30-12:00: Industry panel.
Panelists: BQN (Uruguay), Focus (Uruguay), Incutex (Argentina), Nettra (Uruguay), Sensor Data (Uruguay)
Chair: Mariana Siniscalchi (Fing, Udelar)
12:00-14:00: Lunch break
14:00-15:00: Technical Talks (Session 2)
15:00-16:00: Technical Talks (Session 3)
16:00-16:30: Coffee break
16:30-17:30 Invited Talk by Keynote Speaker. Prof. Mehmet Can Vuran with “Agricultural Internet of Things: From Low-data-rate Underground Sensing to High-data-rate Autonomous Operations to Grow More Crop for Drop“
17:30-18:40: Closing of the workshop
We will be happy to see you among our participants!